Upcoming talks

3.03.'25, 14:15, s. WS
Mateusz Kandybo (University of Copenhagen) CAT(0)-boundaries of graphs of groups are dense amalgams. Abstract

17.03.'25, 14:15, s. WS
Damian Osajda (University of Copenhagen) TBA.

31.03.'25, 14:15, s. WS
Andrzej Weber (MIMUW) TBA.

12.05.'25, 14:15, s. WS
Mark Pengitore (IMPAN) TBA.

Previous talks

27.01.'25, 14:15, s. WS Recording
Monika Kudlinska (University of Cambridge) Analogues of the Thurston norm in groups. Abstract

13.01.'25, 14:15, s. WS Recording
Macarena Arenas (University of Cambridge) Taut smoothings and shortest geodesics. Abstract

16.12.'24, 14:15, s. WS
Sam Shepherd (University of Münster) Product separability for special cube complexes. Abstract

2.12.'24, 14:15, s. WS
Marco Linton (ICMAT, Madrid) The geometry of free-by-cyclic groups. Abstract

25.11.'24, 14:15, s. WS
Mireille Soergel (MPI Leipzig) Dyer groups: Coxeter groups, right-angled Artin groups and more... Abstract

18.11.'24, 14:15, s. WS
Oleg Bogopolski (Uniwersytet Szczeciński) Upper bound on the orders of non-parabolic finite subgroups of relatively hyperbolic groups. Abstract

4.11.'24, 14:15, s. WS
Martín Blufstein (University of Copenhagen) Homomorphisms between large-type Artin groups. Abstract

21.10.'24, 14:15, s. WS
Stefanie Zbinden (Heriot-Watt University) Morse directions in classical small cancellation groups. Abstract

7.10.'24, 14:15, s. WS
Mateusz Kandybo (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Around biautomaticity of CAT(0) triangle-square groups. Abstract

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Seminaria w roku 2007/08

Seminaria w roku 2006/07